Rent a car directly from its owner
Borrow a car from people nearby. Directly from the owners.
Get instant access to the more than 2 500 cars from the major cities in Czechia.
95% satisfied customers
HoppyGo is a GO! Almost everyone who tried the service were satisfied. Owners are nice, drivers are responsible, all cars are in good shape. Why don’t you try on your own? Let us know how YOU liked it.
300+ vehicle types to rent
HoppyGo users offer a variety of cars for every life occasion. Going for a weekend trip? We got you covered. Need a van to move your lover with all of their monsteras, books and yorkshire terrier? No problem! Just pick a car that suits your needs.
Offer a vehicle and make money
Register your car, offer it to other drivers and earn a decent amount of money. Users who use the service actively earn an average of € 2,400 per year. Insurance is automatically provided by UNIQA.
More information for ownersWith HoppyGo app you have car literally under your thumb
Quick registration and the ability to instantly search for cars in the catalog. Communication with owners directly and easy payment through the application.
Download the app & start now
Your email, driving license and some of your time is all we demand. The whole process usually takes about 48 hours. We never ask for information we don’t necessarily need.
Get startedWait for the verification
We will need some time to verify your account. It usually takes 1-2 days. All you need to do is chill for a bit and wait.
Complete your registrationBrowse cars and find one
One van or two cabrios? Find out suitable car for your next trip within the app. You can book any car right away (after verification of your account).